
Don’t attempt these task types in Your PTE Exam

July 3, 2024 Your PTE Journey with Rubbal

Don’t attempt these task types in Your PTE Exam

Don't attempt these task types in Your PTE Exam

If you see these questions in the exam.


You will be seeing these two new question types in the exam.

[1]Respond to a Situation : which looks something like this

Listen to and read a description of a situation. You will have 10 seconds to think about your answer. Then you will hear a beep. You will have 40 seconds to answer the question. Please answer as completely as you can. 

You have been assigned a group project, but one member of your group has been unresponsive. You are worried that they will not contribute to the project. You want to ask your professor for a new member to join your group instead. You go to your professor’s office. What do you say to her?

[2] Summarize Group Discussion : which looks something like this

You will hear three people having a discussion. When you hear the beep, summarize the whole discussion. You will have 10 seconds to prepare and 2 minutes to give your response.

Oh! Before I start, welcome new test takers who recently joined ptemocktest.com.

Who am I & Why I am talking to you?

Well, my name is Rubbal. I am a PTE Coach.

I’ve been coaching test takers since 2016 (Yeah, that long 😊).

I’m here to join your journey and share experiences to help you clear PTE.

So, where was I? Ah yes!

Pearson introduced TWO TRIAL questions in the PTE Exam. Yes, TRIAL Questions!!


The new trial questions have been added to the PTE exam as part of Pearson’s ongoing research. So basically its Pearson testing out the questions.


I was having sessions with one of my students Lika.

This is what the questions did to her in her last attempt.

  1. It broke her flow suddenly.

She had to answer unexpected questions.

  1. She became nervous with these questions.

This led to poor answers in other tasks.

  1. She lost concentration due to these additional questions.

And the biggest thing: it contributes no marks.

So to sum it up.

It makes your nervous, makes you loose your concentration, breaks your flow and you don’t even get any marks for it.


That’s what i told Lika and all my test takers and that’s what i am telling you.

Trust me you will be yourself a big favor by doing so.

I hope this helps you understand the approach.

Oh and i have these three slots available currently.

8:00 AM – 09:00 AM

10:00 AM-11:00 AM

2:00-3:00 PM

So if you want to grab them up. You can schedule a free demo at https://www.ptemocktest.com/online-coaching/ or Whatsapp my team at +91 9815554810


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