PTE Reading
: 2.1Multiple Choice, Choose Single Answer
PTE Reading Multiple choice, choose single answer is a multiple-choice PTE reading task type with a single correct response. It tests your ability to analyze, interpret, and evaluate.
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After reading a text, choose a single answer based on the content or tone of the question.
Attempt Unscored Practice TestYou get multiple options from which you have to choose one correct response. To select an option click on it using the left button on your mouse.
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Your response to Multiple-choice, Choose Single Answer is judged on your ability to analyze, interpret, and evaluate a short reading text on an academic subject. Your response is scored as either correct or incorrect.
Search for the important keywords in the question and try to find related options.
Use your knowledge to decide whether any of them are unlikely to be correct, or likely to be correct. You can do this before you read the text.
PTE Reading Multiple-choice, choose multiple answers is a multiple-choice PTE reading task type with more than one correct response. It tests your ability to analyze, interpret, and evaluate.
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After reading a text, choose multiple options based on the content or tone of the question.
Attempt Unscored Practice TestYou need to select the options that you think are correct from the list of possible options. Click on left button on your mouse to select the option. The same trick can be implied to deselect it, if you are unsure of the answer.
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The scoring criterion of this task type follows Negative Marking. You get points for each correct option. In case you choose the wrong option; you will lose points for the same.
In multiple-choice, choose multiple answers, more than one option is correct. You will score marks for any correct options however, you will lose score points for any incorrect options.
Quickly read through the response options and note any words that are repeated in the question, particularly adjectives.
PTE Reading Re-order paragraphs is a PTE reading task type with a single correct order for the text boxes in a reading text.
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Several text boxes appear on the screen in random order. Arrange the text boxes in the correct order.
Attempt Unscored Practice TestFor this item type, you need to restore the original order of the text by selecting text boxes and dragging them across the screen.
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Your response to Reorder Paragraph is judged on your skill to arrange a jumbled set of paragraphs in the correct sequence. You get points for each correct set of paragraphs.
Read the text boxes to understand the main idea of each one. You can do this by noting the keywords in each paragraph.
Every well-written paragraph has a topic sentence. It is usually a clear statement about the topic, and all the other sentences are connected in some way to this sentence.
PTE Reading Fill in the blanks is a PTE reading task type with a single correct order for each blank. It tests your ability to use context and grammatical cues
Attempt PTE Reading Section

A text appears on the screen with several gaps. Drag words from the box below to fill the gaps.
Attempt Unscored Practice TestLeft-click on a text box to select it; keep the left mouse button held down and drag the word to the gap where you want to place it. To remove a text box from a gap, drag it back to the blue box.
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Your response for Reading: Fill in the Blanks is scored if all blanks are filled correctly, you receive the maximum score points for this question type. If one or more blanks are filled incorrectly, partial credit scoring applies.
Remember that some words often go together to form a familiar phrase. This is called ‘collocation’. Using collocation can help you recognize the correct word for each blank.
Read around the blank in the text and decide what part of speech the missing word is. Finally, choose from the words that are left, the one that has the correct meaning.
PTE Reading Fill in the Blanks is judged on your ability to use contextual and grammatical cues to identify words that complete a reading text.
Attempt PTE Reading Section

A text appears on screen with several gaps. Drag words from the box below to fill the gaps.
Attempt Unscored Practice TestA passage with few missing words will appear on the screen. Beside each blank, there is a button with a drop-down list. You have to Left-click on this button for the options to appear. Select the option you think best fills the blank.
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If all blanks are filled correctly, you receive the maximum score points for this question type. If one or more blanks are filled incorrectly, partial credit scoring applies.
Understanding the meaning of the whole text helps you choose the correct word for each blank. When you click on the drop-down arrows, you may find options that are also related to the main topic.
The choices in the drop-down menus may look quite similar but will have different meanings and usage. Looking at the surrounding context will help you choose the appropriate word.
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